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Law of Attraction Key Principle: Believe In What You Desire

The Human Collective
Published on 26 Sep 2022 / In

A key principle of the Law of Attraction is to believe in what you desire. Avoid resistance to situations in your life by practicing conscious detachment, and have a strong belief in what you think. Remember, 'what you resist, persists'. This means that by focusing your thoughts and energy on things that you don't want, you unknowingly attract them into your physical world.

The power of thought and how it affects your subconscious mind power can often be overlooked if you have been using the Law of Attraction to manifest your desires. Thoughts create things or circumstances in your life. This very idea is how the Law of Attraction works. We attract what we project into the universe with out thoughts, emotions, actions, and beliefs.

A very effective way to make the Law of Attraction work you would be to increase your vibration through positive thinking, meditation, and visualization. The key to making idea that thoughts create things work for you is to affirm your belief, hold the thought in your mind (visualization), and believe that what you are affirming will manifest in Divine Timing (Law of Gestation).

Doing these things will work to reprogram your subconscious mind to accept your beliefs, rather than contradict what you want to manifest. Your thoughts create your reality when pair with feeling or emotion. The Law of Attraction is one of the many powerful Universal Laws that affect our reality. The Law of Attraction can work to bring you positive outcomes, or negative. The very best way to avoid attracting negative outcomes in your life is to constantly be in a state of positive thinking.

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